Friday, April 11, 2014

the winner is....

One morning...I was writing (Artist Way writing...just anything that comes to mind) and the idea of a workshop for teens came to my mind...and as I kept writing these thoughts I knew how I would spend my summer.  I had a vision of teens excited to learn...and partners thrilled to share.  I knew that together we could change each other's lives.  I know this sounds a little bit dramatic...but it is true :)

The challenge for us is that the age range is narrow.  And my Instagram feed did not have the power to reach as many people as we wanted to get the information to.  That's when I decided to have a photo session giveaway.  A week and a half ago, when I had organized the details and posted it on my blog I wondered...what if I offer this giveaway and no one enters!  Can you imagine!?  Anyway,  I held my breath...hit publish...and crossed my fingers!

You came through for me!   You shared this idea and this workshop and I feel SO GRATEFUL.  We hoped to have 12 to 15 in each class.  We, as of this morning, have 13 in June's workshop and 8 in July!  As I saw each person---share our workshop photo on IG and FB my heart leapt!  As I saw each registration come through I became more and more excited for the summer!  The new problem I was facing is that I wanted to give a photo session to every single person who entered!  I was SO nervous for the drawing this morning!

To prepare- last night I typed every name of anyone who shared the workshop photo and tagged me in that.  I doubled their entries if they or a family member had registered.  I printed them out and cut them into strips. I folded them uniformly and left them on my desk.  When I woke up this morning.  I checked for new entries.  Printed and cut one more and then waited for one of my kids to come to the kitchen dressed for school.  Ellie and Kate were there and I asked if they would draw the name for my give-away!  Ellie rushed next to me ready to draw!

She pulled out a name-


Then Kate asked if she could draw one---we were having so much fun!
We couldn't stop with one...


I truly didn't want to stop there.  I wanted to photograph you I have a gift for those that entered this contest (shared our workshop photo and tagged me).  I have the list and will be keeping it through the year (2014).  If you entered I will give you $50 off a session fee with me this year.  There is obviously no obligation to use this---I just really want to say THANK YOU and as your names came up I truly wanted to photograph every single one of you.  xo


  1. Ahhh! Oh me! Oh my! I can't believe I get to have a photo session with Carin Davis, the Caron davis! So excited! Wahoo!!! I know that is a lot of exclamation points, but a post like this deserves a lot of exclamation point.

  2. What? Wow! I am breathless. For years I have watched your beautiful skill of capturing light and personality, feeling and connection. And now to experience that firsthand with my little family... What a joy! So excited. And I am thrilled that you have some July spots available... Can we add Ella to the list?
